Good Morning Spring City Fellowship!
Series Title: The Church Released: A Study in 2 Corinthians
Sermon Title: Released to Shine
Text: 2 Corinthians 3:1-4:18
Paul’s encouragement to the Corinthian church is to not just be filled with the Spirit, but to release the Spirit. We don’t just live in spiritual reality; we bring spiritual reality to bear in every situation that we find ourselves. We carry the Presence of God with us to change the atmosphere wherever we go. We are not just people looking for a spiritual encounter, we are the church released to take the reality of the Spirit to the world.
The Holy Spirit in us releases us to shine brighter, to shine bolder and to shine forever. It is the defining moment in God’s new creation when he says, “Let there be light.” Light produces life. And the light comes on in our mind and our heart and exposes everything that is dark, false or evil. Join us as we discover together that light in each of us, because we were made to shine!
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Pastor Joel