Spring City Fellowship Spring City Fellowship
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Sunday Morning Service August 4, 2024
Joel Kolb
Joel Kolb
Sunday, August 4, 2024
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Good Morning Spring City Fellowship!

Series Title: The Lord's Prayer
Sermon Title: Deliver Us From Evil
Text: Matthew 6:9-13

The Lord’s Prayer is a well-known prayer taught by Jesus to His disciples. Many of us can say it by heart. In this series we want to move through the prayer slowly and repeatedly. We want to, not just speak the prayer, but let it speak to us.

There are two more lines to the prayer before a doxology closing. And there are many nuanced ways of reading these two lines: “Don’t let us fail.” “Don’t allow more suffering than you give us grace to handle.” “Don’t give us over to our own destruction.” These statements are all pleading for God’s help in turning the tide of our human existence.

Use our digital bulletin to follow the service: https://faithlife.com/scf-spring-city/bulletins/324574336

Text to give to SCF: Simply text the word Give with the amount (e.g. Give 50) to (610) 795-9295.

Here is the link to the live stream:  https://www.youtube.com/live/MMjjPL-xa7w

Pastor Joel